
Contact and connect with your Higher Self

Hands up, who knows how to contact their Higher Self? At some level, all of us do it in a more conscious or unconscious way, intuitively but we are so used with "the voice of our thoughts" that we oftenly presume it is our own thoughts and ideas. Well, in many cases it is true yet there are moments which an idea, a feeling, an emotion comes into our awareness as a guidance element, as a "North energy" for our internal compass. My "occupation" allows me to encounter and interact at various levels with many individuals who say they have difficulties in connecting with their Higher

Interaction with other energies

Hello to you In this short post I'm going to approach the idea of interacting with entities, energies, spirits or whatever you want to name them. Personally, I name them entities and energies because they are so many... from thought-form, egregor to angels and so many in between. Starting March 22 the beginning of new celestial year and also Haven's Cross celestial event the physical plane has reached the stage, it's development state of interacting with ethereal or other astral planes in a more expressive, physical, easy to experience manner. As Above So Below How this will

Signs in Astrology

Zodiac is the sign in which the Sun is at the time of our birth. Zodiac is calculated according to the date of birth, day and month. The sign in which we were born defines our personality. From her we received the main traits, talents and abilities with which we were endowed. And, the less good parts, the weaknesses, the vulnerable parts of us, where we have to learn, change, release, heal. The signs are named after the 12 constellations in the sky. The 12 signs are: 1. Aries ~ March 21- April 20 2. Taurus ~ April 21- May

Black Salt – Witches Salt

Considered to be indispensable from a wicca practitioner's "arsenal", Black Salt is and should be part of the category of protective elements but is also used as a base ingredient in curses, evil eye, cursing binding, cleansing and purification. Black Salt, very powerful element of protection can be added to spell jars, protection sachets, poppets, altars, sprinkled in doorways and driveways, placed around workspace to keep away anger, frustration, anxiety. Black Salt is eclectic magic which means there are variations in ingredients, quantities and use. This particular receipt is a