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    Charging and Activating Sigils through Water


    Thank you for your interest in different perspectives.

    Please acknowledge, remember and understand that you have the option of using your own freewill all times.

    I’m into efficiency of whatever activity I do and sharing my experience is not the exception.

    In this context, please go ahead and read the intro of the post named Charging and Activating Sigils through Fire.

    Why? because the intro of that post applies to all the post from these series.

    Ok, back to the task in hand.

    ACVA, ACVI, MAYIM - Water
    ACVA, ACVI, MAYIM – Water

    ————————————- △ ————————————-

    Charging and Activating Sigils through Water

    Water element is often associated with feminine energy, with feelings and emotions, with intuition, with calm and it is one of the elements which is sustaining life.

    The Water Elemental (an expression used to depict the one manifestation of Spirit of Water) or the Spirit of Water can be a bit dense yet full of grace, can be pictured as translucid entity yet able to interact with surroundings.

    Water element is flexible, shapeless on its own on earth and as sfear on void environment.

    I’ve depicted this “imaginary picture” because it is useful and helps with visualization process.[1]

    One will need the ready made sigil , a recipiente, a glass, a bowl (even a mug will suffice) half-filled with clean water.

    Note: create your sigil on paper and use a pencil or invisible ink.

    Basic invisible ink can be obtained from onion juice, critic’s juice (lemon, orange… the natural way by squashing and squeezing the juice out of them and not the chemicals found in store). Very important this step because of the environmental signature and energetic impact.

    ▽ ∴ Charging through the method of visualization

    When you’re done with the creative process of your sigili, close your eyes and imagine it gets kind of fluid, like a liquid on your piece of paper and on top of the paper from nowhere drops of water show up.

    Don’t worry, your sigil will not smudge away… Drops of magic water start to lift up your piece of paper and other drops simply add up from thin air forming a semi-transparent crystal-clear sphere of water swirling and moving around just before your eyes… you almost hear the sound it makes and you feel comfortable with it.

    Heat the sigil a bit to make the artwork visible. Don’t burn the paper just heat it above candle flame until the visible ink reacts making your artwork visible to the human eye.

    The words?

    Take your sigil with left hand (associated with feminine side/energy) and “show it” the the floating spear of water and say the following aloud if possible:

    “Thank you manifestation of the Spirit of Water because you’ve quench thirst so many times, because you’ve wet the ground beneath our feet to feed us,

    Thank you spirit of water because your help keeps us alive,

    I am acknowledging your calmness and your strength,

    I am acknowledging the different aspects of you and I recognize the wisdom you hold,

    Please assist me in my endeavor for the higher good of as all.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

    Wait for a few seconds (physical manifestation might occur or not) and visualize that the sigil from your hand is absorbed by the floating sphere of clear water.

    Put your palms around this energetic sphere of floating water with the sigil in the center of it and imagine, visualize how the entire sphere of water is absorbed by your sigil.

    ◬ ▽ Activating the Magic Sigil through Water

    Now, open your eyes and put the empowered sigil in the bowl of water (or whatever you use) and let it there untouched until the next day.

    The next day.

    Check out your bowl of water (yes the sigils should be already soaked by now).

    Don’t worry if it doesn’t look anymore with what you’ve putted into the bowl the day before.

    Based on the type of paper you used, some paper might get dissolved into water some might keep their appearance and overall integrity but do pay attention if the sigils is at the top of the water, the bottom of the bowl or at the middle.

    Bottom – natural, top – natural, middle – message.

    Next, because we (I hope you followed my suggestion too) used all natural “ingredients” when making the sigil (paper from trees, nature-friendly ink or graphite found in pencil) , the water can sustain life (and please focus on “sustain life”) can be used to water your plants if you have, if not, go outside and literally offer that water to the Earth.


    Here! (and spill a few drops) Take this water from my behalf!

    Now! (and spill a few drops) Take this water and carry my message!

    Thank you! (and spill the rest of the water) I’m offering as I too have received. For the higher good of as all!

    Water can be offered to earth (ground) to trees, grass or any other form of life as it is a part of us all and all of us make use of it.

    To water activated sigils, can be used with affirmations related to:

    • keep calm and understand fear based emotions (basically deconstruct the entire fear based emotion)
    • clarity and help with expanding memory (yea, like buying and installing memory cards on devices or RAM memories…. kidding a bit). Good before exams or presentations. Singing or performing in front of a crowd, no cold feet :D
    • clairvoyant development
    • traveling (emmm not the classic traveling from LA to Italy) …
    • while in meditative state, developing empathic skills

    The Aquarius astrological / zodiac / horoscope symbol can be embedded into your sigil work.


      [1] – some individuals have difficulties in using their imagination and literally create, project, visualize images in their head so to speak so if you too have such difficulties with open yes search for objects in your environment which can be associated with what you want to visualize, be it a color, shape, smell or whatever…

      Don’t worry is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes our brain needs to have a “library” from which to construct “images” … sometimes our analytical mind (even if it has good intentions) acts like a dumbass and can’t really focus :) . Its ok, give it time.

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