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    The High Priestess is seated between two pillars from the Temple of Solomon—the black pillar of Boaz representing the negative life force, and the white one, Jachin, the positive life force.

    Thomas Troward, in his book The Hidden Power, has this to say about the two pillars before the temple: “They contain the key to the entire Bible and to the whole order of Nature, and as emblems of the two great principles that are the pillars of the universe, they fitly stood at the threshold of that temple which was designed to symbolize all the mysteries of Being…”

    The High Priestess is protecting on her lap a scroll of esoteric wisdom inscribed with the word “Tora” (Divine Law), for it is not for all eyes to see. The solar cross on her breast, with arms of equal length, represents the balance of the positive and negative forces. (The upright is the positive, male element; the horizontal, the negative, female element.) The veil between the pillars is decorated with pomegranates (female) and palms (male)—symbols indicating that the subconscious is potentially reproductive. The edge of her gown, which balances the crescent moon at her feet, trails out of the picture, indicating the stream of consciousness, which flows into the background of Key 3, the Empress, and reappears in later cards.

    The High Priestess is the virgin daughter of the moon, and wears on her head the symbol of a full moon, with a waxing and waning image of the moon on each side. She is the eternal feminine, sometimes called Isis or Artemis. She corresponds to all the virgin goddesses of the ancient world, even to Eve before her union with Adam. She is spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination. Whereas the Fool and the Magician represent only the potentiality, the will, to create, the High Priestess has the latent power to manifest. She is the link between the seen and the unseen.

    Divinatory Meaning:
    Unrevealed future, hidden influences at work. Of special value for artists, poets, composers, mystics. When this card appears in a man’s reading, it represents the perfect woman all men dream of; in a woman’s reading, it may indicate that she can find such virtues in herself or in a friend.

    Conceit, sensual enjoyment. Accepting surface knowledge.

    Dascent Deck


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