Contact and connect with your Higher Self

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Hands up, who knows how to contact their Higher Self?

At some level, all of us do it in a more conscious or unconscious way, intuitively but we are so used with “the voice of our thoughts” that we oftenly presume it is our own thoughts and ideas.

Well, in many cases it is true yet there are moments which an idea, a feeling, an emotion comes into our awareness as a guidance element, as a “North energy” for our internal compass.

My “occupation” allows me to encounter and interact at various levels with many individuals who say they have difficulties in connecting with their Higher Self, all they experience is nothing, darkness, background noise and the idea of “my own thoughts”.

Dascent - Connect with Higher Self

Some might try to hard, some might have difficulties in relaxing, they simply don’t know how to relax their mind.

The best way to start connecting with your Higher Self is by practicing the awareness of your thoughts, ideas and put them into your spotlight.

By that I mean be aware of your own thought, ideas, emotions and ask yourself a few questions like:

  • Why I have this thought, this idea?
  • Where does it come from, what it is the origin?
  • Why I think like that?
  • Why I feel like that?
  • What do I feel regarding this idea, this though, this situation?

Now do this…. answer to each of your questions!

Ask yourself one question at a time and allow yourself to really process the idea and answer to yourself, more than often you will be surprised by your own answers.

What this process does is to form new patterns of processing information and connects both the mental, the analytical mind with all its logic with emotional aspects and the result is this coherence, this link, this path between emotional and mental.

Once this path is strong enough you can ask a question and your Higher Self will use your library (because now has more access to it) to send you the answer and you will be able to translate it with much more accuracy.

Yes, is that simple. It is a matter of allowing yourself more freedom in understanding yourself.

When you do this simple exercise of asking about your own emotions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, imagination is unlocked because what you ask within must be answered.

Your awareness expands at first because you will want to know the answer and that state will push your awareness to find and subtle changes in your own field.

You may think it is silly to ask yourself questions. At first might feel like that but when your own being is allowed to answer you kind of understand the concept of Observer’s state and from there is a smooth ride.

Stop thinking at yourself as a single unit but more of a bunch of aspects which form your individuality.
Let me give you an example:
Watch, observe yourself or someone else when they are called on phone by their special someone, their voice is lowered indicating an aspect of privacy, their pitch voice is different indicating the affection and emotion, tonality, vibrancy and even their overall face expressions change in a second. They “become” someone else, a different aspect of their personality takes over.
Now, observe the same person or yourself when looking at TV when playing your favorite team… see the difference? You, the entity You hasn’t changed but you use different aspects to help you manifest emotions, thought, ideas in various environments. This is how we are build.

Some new age spiritual coach will say that your Soul is splitted, broken, shattered and you need heeling.
Some old school behavioral analyst will put a diagnose like multiple personality disorder but is none of that because our Soul is immortal and doesn’t get shattered, broken, doesn’t suffer like Ego does (by the way, this is also punching in the balls the idea of “Dark night of the Soul”…. the Soul doesn’t have dark nights, the Ego does, the good old Ego is the one suffering, the Souls sees all this as experiences, stepping stones for growth and expansion, lessons, different perspectives, no pain, no suffering, no depression and anxiety for the Soul… Ego is the one who suffers and we should take care of that too.

Let me stop myself around this idea, or my colleague will think I’ll move to Nepal and become a tibetan monk.

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