Interaction with other energies

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Hello to you

In this short post I’m going to approach the idea of interacting with entities, energies, spirits or whatever you want to name them. Personally, I name them entities and energies because they are so many… from thought-form, egregor to angels and so many in between.

Starting March 22 the beginning of new celestial year and also Haven’s Cross celestial event the physical plane has reached the stage, it’s development state of interacting with ethereal or other astral planes in a more expressive, physical, easy to experience manner.

As Above So Below

How this will affect our day to day lives?

Well, first of all, children are going to see, feel and interact even more with entities from astral planes.

Animals will feel and be able to do the same. Cats especially because, cats are already using multidimensional senses on daily basis.

Personally I will ask you not to be afraid, have confidence in you and your own energy because (a reminder) you too are an ethereal, eternal entity .. spirit experiencing life in physical plane.

Yes, there are entities which we’d not prefer to interact with but by now one already knows that raising one’s vibration to higher levels will make it impossible for “negative/low vibrations” interact.

The Gate

If until a few years ago the collective consciousness was mearley “looking through the window” so to speak, now that narrow perspective has changed, developed, brighten its view and we have the amazing opportunity to look and even step through the gate.

The Zone

New creation. You are now given the opportunity to create your own reality.

The same opportunity was present before but the we haven’t been ready to really grasp the idea of how it works, how to create our own realities and how to experience the reality we design and co create.

The Choice

We have the opportunity to choose and ignorance will be a choice too. Choose to listen to your own innervoice, choose to trust your own feelings, choose to be what You Are.

Make that choice for you and don’t let others define what you are. It is your power, your birthright, your divine legacy.

I’ll stop typing for now yet we shall explore this subject in depth when time comes.

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