Predictions of the stars for the week of October 3 – 9

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The week starts with good news. The planet Mercury has resumed its direct course, that is, it has come out of retrograde.

Until October 10, Mercury is in Virgo, and on October 11 it will enter Libra.

Mercury in the sign of Virgo brings to the fore the completion of projects, situations, things. Everything you started in the last days, weeks now is the time to finish them.

Check the information you receive before you believe it. You will be surprised to see that not everything is as it says. Don’t believe everything you’re told. Don’t be influenced, led by others.

Believe in yourself, in your intuition! Try to be the master of your own reality, your own life, your own destiny.

This week, like the whole month of October, is about the past and the future. You can’t step into the future without solving the past . Because, the past comes back in the form of emotions, fears, situations, people, to test you if you have learned the lesson or not.

At the beginning of the week you are influenced by the direct movement of the planet Mercury. You will work harder hoping to complete as many projects as possible, to catch up on everything you failed to do in the last few weeks. Now you think more clearly and coherently. You express yourself, you communicate more easily, in a way that everyone can understand.

On Wednesday, your mind is filled with a multitude of ideas, projects that you can’t wait to put into practice. You have a new, creative, innovative energy .   You feel the need to socialize, to communicate. You call your friends to tell stories and share the latest news.

Thursday,   on the unset table , melancholy seizes you. You become more sensitive. You will feel the emotions more intensely. You feel like in a carousel, sometimes up, sometimes down. You will feel this state on Friday as well. Try not to be influenced and led by emotions and feelings.

Sunday will see the Full Moon in Aries, which will bring many changes and transformations.

It is important that you maintain your inner balance all week, believe in yourself, in your intuition, do what is important to you!

Author: ZentasticArts Romania – Tünde Márton

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